I was 5 when my childhood innocence was stripped of me, my body no longer mine. My sexuality woken long before I even knew that word existed.
The strongly built walls and barriers we built to protect ourselves.
I want to tell you a story about building strong walls and what I have learned from it. My wish is that you find a nugget or three that resonates with you and will impact your soul's evolution in this human experience.
I turn 75 on May 7, this year…which makes it my Diamond Jubilee Year! In celebration, I want to share an excerpt from the book I’m working on and the lesson I learned from my young son when he was four and I was 30, that has gotten me this far and has me joyfully looking towards the future.
My ex husband had secrets. Big, ugly, earth-shaking secrets. The things he hid from me don’t matter anymore; we’ve been divorced longer than we were married. But once, I thought the facts would save me. I thought if I could reconstruct a narrative of our shared life, then the rubble of our marriage would start to make sense.
Mama, Goddess, Queen, Woman,
Let's dive into the pages of my own memoir, where the inverted Drowned Man in Tarot feels like a mirror reflecting the struggle of someone who's usually perceived as having it all together. Picture this - a person of stature in the business or social scene, drowning in sorrow, debt, and loss. The suffocating feeling of trying to keep up appearances while facing an internal storm. It hits close to home, doesn't it?
For years, I've felt like I'm drowning, not in water but in stress, anxiety, and this constant battle to meet unrealistic expectations. You know those days when you're submerged in your own pool of ambition, dysfunction, and relentless self-judgment? It's a wild ride, and I've been on it for quite a while.