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no more MUTING. no more DIMMING.

Let's uncover your goals, life vision and what's preventing you from reaching your brightest potential.

Are you living by your set of beliefs or is your life still being run by what you were taught? Have you been allowing your Gremlin to wreak havoc in your head and are you ready to get it under control? If you're reading this in recognition then maybe it's time to make some changes.



The 4-Week Ignition Program $850

Are you ready to ignite your life and transform your path? If you're tired of letting fear and hesitation hold you back from pursuing your goals with intention and vigor, then Spark is for you. This intensive 4-week program is designed specifically for women like you who are ready to break free and take bold action towards creating the life they truly desire.

  • Week 1: Clarifying Your Vision

    • Discover your deepest desires and aspirations as we clarify your life vision.

    • Identify the specific goal or obstacle that you're ready to tackle head-on.

    • Learn to recognize and tame your inner critic, also known as the Gremlin, so you can move forward with confidence.

    Week 2: Taming Your Gremlin

    • Explore your biggest fears and understand how they may be holding you back.

    • Learn powerful techniques for taming your Gremlin and reframing negative self-talk.

    • Refine your goals based on a deeper understanding of your vision and fears.

    Week 3: Cultivating Confidence

    • Build self-confidence and belief in yourself as you work towards your goals.

    • Overcome limiting beliefs and self-doubt that may be standing in your way.

    • Develop a clear action plan with specific steps to move you closer to your dreams.

    Week 4: Igniting Action

    • Take bold, intentional action towards your goals and dreams.

    • Celebrate your progress and reflect on the insights gained throughout the program.

    • Receive strategies for sustaining momentum and continuing your journey beyond Spark.

Ready to Ignite Your Life?

With weekly coaching calls, unlimited email support, tailored action plans, and empowering exercises, Spark provides the support and guidance you need to spark change and transform your life.

Are you ready to take the first step towards a brighter, bolder future?



The 3-Month Empowerment Program $3,500

Goddess, are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and growth? Thrive is a comprehensive 3-month program designed specifically for women who are ready to overcome fear, self-doubt, and energetic drains, and confidently pursue their goals and dreams in every aspect of life.

  • Week 1-2: Uncovering Your Inner Landscape

    • Goal/Obstacle Identification: Clarify your goals and identify any obstacles standing in your way.

    • Energetic Drain Assessment: Explore how various energetic drains impact your life and goals.

    • Gremlin Awareness: Learn to recognize and tame your inner critic, the Gremlin, to move forward with confidence.

    • Visioning Exercise: Engage in exercises to clarify your long-term aspirations and desired outcomes.

    Week 3-4: Cultivating Resilience and Self-Compassion

    • Mindset Mastery: Shift limiting beliefs and cultivate a growth mindset for resilience.

    • Self-Compassion Practices: Develop self-compassion and self-care practices to counteract the Gremlin's influence.

    • Goal Refinement: Refine your goals based on insights gained from the first two weeks of exploration.

    Week 5-6: Crafting Your Action Plan

    • Action Planning: Develop a detailed action plan with specific steps and milestones.

    • Accountability Systems: Establish support structures to ensure progress and momentum.

    • Energy Management: Dive deeper into managing energy drains and maintaining balance.

    Week 7-8: Building Confidence and Momentum

    • Confidence-Building Exercises: Boost self-confidence and self-efficacy.

    • Celebrating Progress: Reflect on milestones and progress made towards your goals.

    • Course Correction: Adjust the action plan based on feedback and new insights.

    Week 9-10: Navigating Challenges and Obstacles

    • Resilience Strategies: Explore strategies for navigating setbacks with resilience.

    • Mindfulness Practices: Cultivate present-moment awareness to reduce stress.

    • Goal Reassessment: Reassess goals based on progress and evolving needs.

    Week 11-12: Integrating Learnings and Sustaining Growth

    • Integration and Reflection: Reflect on the journey and integrate key learnings into daily life.

    • Sustaining Momentum: Develop strategies for continuing growth beyond the program.

    • Graduation and Celebration: Celebrate achievements and acknowledge your growth and transformation.

    What to Expect:

    • Bi-weekly 1-Hour Coaching Calls: Experience personalized coaching sessions where we'll dive deep into your goals, address obstacles, and cultivate strategies for success.

    • 20-Minute Check-In Calls: Stay connected and accountable in between our long calls with these mini check-ins to track progress, celebrate wins, and recalibrate as needed.

    • Unlimited Email Access for Continuous Support: Receive ongoing support and guidance between sessions, ensuring you feel supported every step of the way.

    • Confidence-Building Exercises and Mindset Shifts: Engage in empowering exercises and practices to boost self-confidence, shift limiting beliefs, and cultivate a resilient mindset.

    • Goal-Setting and Action Planning: Develop a clear action plan with specific steps and milestones to move you closer to your goals, ensuring you stay focused and motivated.

    • Strategies for Self-Care and Resilience: Learn practical strategies for managing energy drains, practicing self-care, and building resilience, so you can thrive in the face of challenges.

Ready to Thrive?

With the Thrive program, you'll receive personalized guidance, support, and tools to overcome obstacles, unleash your potential, and create the life you desire. Are you ready to step into your power, embrace your greatness, and thrive in every aspect of life?



The 6-Month Transformation Program $5,500

Queen, are you ready to unlock your full potential, overcome obstacles, and step into the life you desire with confidence and clarity? Welcome to Evolve, a transformative 6-month program designed for women committed to long-term growth and success.

Transform Your Vision, Manifest Your Dreams

Evolve is more than just a coaching program; it's a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation. Through personalized coaching, deep reflection, and strategic planning, you'll embark on a journey to unlock your inner wisdom, overcome self-doubt, and unleash your full potential.

  • Month 1: Foundation and Visioning

    • Goal Setting and Visioning: Clarify long-term goals and aspirations, and create a vision for your desired future.

    • Gremlin Work: Explore and address the influence of the inner critic (Gremlin) on your goals and vision.

    • Introduction to the 7 Levels of Energetic Leadership: Understand the seven levels of energy and how they impact your leadership and communication style.

    Month 2: Energy Management and Alignment

    • Understanding Energy Dynamics: Explore the concept of energy management and its impact on your ability to achieve your goals.

    • Identifying and Clearing Energy Drains: Address environmental, social, emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual drains that may hinder your progress.

    • Alignment Practices: Learn methods for aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with your goals and vision.

    Month 3: Mindset Mastery and Goal Refinement

    • Mindset Mastery: Dive deep into mindset techniques and strategies for overcoming limiting beliefs and cultivating a growth mindset.

    • Advanced Goal Setting: Refine your goals and action plans based on insights gained from mindset work and alignment practices.

    • Integration of 7 Levels of Energetic Leadership: Apply the principles of energetic leadership to your mindset and goal-setting processes.

    Month 4: Advanced Goal Setting and Planning

    • Advanced Goal Setting Techniques: Learn advanced goal-setting techniques and strategies for breaking goals down into actionable steps.

    • Project Planning: Develop comprehensive project plans for major goals or initiatives, including timelines, milestones, and resource allocation.

    • Accountability Structures: Establish accountability structures and support systems to ensure progress and accountability.

    Month 5: Resilience Building and Adaptability

    • Resilience Building: Explore resilience-building practices and strategies for navigating setbacks and challenges with grace and resilience.

    • Adaptability Training: Learn how to adapt and pivot in the face of changing circumstances or unexpected obstacles.

    • Integration of Energetic Leadership: Apply the principles of energetic leadership to build resilience and adaptability in challenging situations.

    Month 6: Integration and Mastery

    • Integration and Reflection: Reflect on your journey and integrate key learnings and insights into your life.

    • Celebrating Progress: Celebrate milestones and achievements, and acknowledge the growth and progress you've made.

    • Reassessing Goals and Priorities: Reassess your goals and priorities based on progress and evolving needs, and make any necessary adjustments or refinements.

    • Mastery of Energetic Leadership: Deepen your understanding and application of the principles of energetic leadership for continued growth and success.

    Throughout the program, you'll receive personalized coaching, support, and guidance to help you unlock your full potential, overcome obstacles, and step into the life you desire with confidence and clarity. Together, we'll create a transformative journey that is tailored to meet your specific needs and goals, integrating the principles of energetic leadership for holistic growth and success.

    Program Highlights:

    • Personalized Coaching: Receive bi-weekly 1-hour coaching calls tailored to your specific needs and goals, providing you with personalized guidance, support, and accountability.

    • Accountability Checks: Stay connected and accountable in between our long calls with these 30 min mini check-ins to track progress, celebrate wins, and recalibrate as needed.

    • Unlimited Email Access for Continuous Support: Receive ongoing support and guidance between sessions, ensuring you feel supported every step of the way.

    • Comprehensive Resources: Gain access to the 3 Goddess Workbook bundle, including tools and exercises on energy management, goal setting, and life visioning, to support your growth and development.

    • Advanced Strategies: Dive deep into advanced strategies for mindset mastery, goal refinement, and energy alignment, empowering you to create lasting change in every aspect of your life.

    • Holistic Support: Receive holistic support for sustainable growth and success, integrating principles of energetic leadership to enhance communication, resilience, and well-being.

Your Journey Starts Here

Are you ready to embrace your power, conquer your fears, and create the life you desire? Join Evolve and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Together, we'll unlock your full potential and manifest your dreams.


Unsure of which option is best for you and where you’re at in your journey?