A Love Letter To My Thunder Kittens

Dear Thunder Kittens,

Lil Mama’s, Young Goddesses hear me out. This one's for you. These are things I wish I’d known when I was a 25 year old hot thing running around the streets of Manhattan. As I grow stronger and continue to unlock new levels in this stage of Mother I am looking back at my younger years, not in regret but in a moment of honest reflection. So much of what I thought I knew was wrong. I don’t expect this to be the cure or the answer for any of you. If anything, I hope it makes you pause to consider how you currently are viewing yourself and allowing others to treat you. 

Please stop competing and fighting against each other, she is not your enemy. 

And please stop allowing boys (mature men don’t do this) to pit you all against each other.

Please stop believing that all boys only want girls that look a certain way, they have been sold the same lies you have, remember that.                                                                                                                                              Please do remember that boys have many insecurities as well and putting you down is one way they deal with them unfortunately.

Please start thinking about the times in your life you have felt your very best. Write down what you were doing, wearing and who you were even with. Then find a way to do more of those things .

Do start questioning if everything you were taught growing up from your family still holds true for you as an adult. It’s ok to question old values from the past, especially if you realize they’re stopping you from growing or being yourself in the present.

Your body is a walking miracle. Your womb is a portal that brings souls through from other realms. Treat them as such. Even if for whatever reason you have no womb the energy remains. Even if you have no desire to have children you came through that same sacred portal. 

Sex can be fun and I want to invite you to consider it’s an exchange of energy. Consider who’s energy you’re mixing with.
Sex can be fun and I want to invite you to consider why you want to have sex with someone. Revenge? Make yourself feel loved? Fill a void? If you answered yes to any of these questions then I invite you to consider NOT having sex. It will not make any of these things feel better. Not long term anyway.

Define your own sexiness, don’t allow a partner to dictate that for you. 

Learn about yourself sexually and girl, no partner necessary when doing so. Masturbation is not a bad word and it is not pathetic. It is not the sign of a sad single woman. Masturbation or self pleasure is about communication, consent and desire for your from you. This is important. Make it about you and only you. Do the work to remove the shame and fear. Find the help to assist in your healing. 

Compliment other women, tell them honestly what you find beautiful about them and I challenge you to not just name her physical attributes. 

Say thank you when you receive a compliment and do everything you can to stop yourself from deflecting the compliment or resorting to self deprecating humor. 

Take a breath and speak from your diaphragm when presenting. Stand tall and keep your fingers out of your hair. You are worth listening to. PeriodT.

Support other women and cheer them on when they win, even when you lose.

Be curious about other women’s behaviour - why does she choose to behave that way? Why might she not be as friendly? What could be the reason she talks over others? Why does her confidence make me uncomfortable? Allow people to be human with human reactions  and responses. Curiosity about other people's behaviours helps you avoid judging them. 

When speaking to yourself, out loud or silently, be kind. Your inner child can hear you, act accordingly. 

Learn about the powerful women in the world who stood up, spoke up and pushed back. Share their stories with other women you know.

You may hear that the world will judge you because you’re a woman.

You will be told it’s unsafe for you to go out at night alone because you’re a woman. 

You may hear he hurt you because you were a woman.

You may think you didn’t get the job because you’re a woman.

You may believe you have to be married and start a family before you’re 30 because you’re a woman.

You may see people putting down your elder Goddesses because they’re women who had the nerve to get older.

What they won’t tell you is that none of this is about you being a woman. Your too much femalness is not the problem. 

Your vulva, breast, womb, cycles, hormones, mind, heart and soul are not the problem. 

Your great capacity to communicate, your ability to gather in circles to heal and your powerful sensual energy are not the problem. 

Your ability to lead, to fight, to strategize and to do so with the greater community at large in mind is not the problem. 

The problem has always been that much of the world never understood how to welcome, respect, trust, honor and celebrate the magic and mystery that is Woman. 

And that, my Powerful One, is not your problem.

Anjua Maximo