Hey Goddess

So glad you found your way to The Electric Feminine blog. I’m Anjua Maximo and I’ve been a life and sensual movement coach for a combined 10 years. What does a sensual movement coach mean exactly though?  It means I guide women to get curious about the power of their sensual erotic connection through intuitive somatic dance. We move in a way that’s authentic to who we are and sometimes challenges what we’ve learned from our families, society, and the media about who we are and how we’re supposed to behave in this world. It’s an opportunity to redefine our identity as women for ourselves. It’s a chance to get to know how the power of your divine feminine energy can empower you to live, speak and trust your truth.

15 years ago I walked into my first sensual pole dance class and my life was changed. I know we hear that a lot and yet here we are. You’ll soon learn that I don’t get behind things I can’t fully vouch for. So when I say this moment changed my life, I mean it. 

I stood in a room with 40 other women not breathing. We were nervous about what we had co-signed to do in this “pole dance” class. The music started and the teacher sat on her mat in the middle of the circle. All eyes on her. As she began to speak yy body began to melt into soft slow movements and long stretches. I was told repeatedly to slow down, even more, to indulge in the feeling of MY hands-on MY body. We were prompted to close our eyes and just feel. All I could think was, whatever this was, this was new to me and I needed it in my life. 

My hands-on MY body. Somehow it felt so natural, so wholesome. It was as if I was seeing myself for the first time but through the feel of my hands. I felt free of any pressure to be sexy but instantly felt sexy. It was sexy without trying. Sexy by just being. Up to this moment, I’d always known my sexuality as performative for the person I was being intimate with. Did he think I was pretty? Did he think my body was beautiful? Did he, did he, did he?….

For the first time, I was asking what I felt. 

This is important.  We’ve been focused on the wrong thing. The message we receive as young women is that it’s what the guy thinks of you that matters. And what he thinks of you is how you measure your self-worth. It’s what feels good to him, what looks good to him, what pleases him. This is not to say your partner’s needs or pleasure aren’t important. Of course, they are, but not more so than your needs or your pleasure. It’s not to say we aren’t going to naturally care what the person we find hot thinks of us but it can’t be at the detriment of our self-esteem.  It all actually starts with you and your relationship with yourself but that’s not what most of us learn. 

After teaching for that original studio for 3 years I went on to create Pure Mvmnt which combined what I had learned about a woman’s sensual energetic connection with what I was studying about self-awareness and personal development. The two went hand in hand. Our dreams and aspirations, our creativity, our emotional, mental, and spiritual health were all connected to our sacred divine feminine energy. If we began nurturing ourselves in this way I knew the possibilities could be endless for us. 

However, this is the year that tested all that I knew to be true about how I wanted to help women. This year has been about me finally letting go of what I knew to make room for something new. A new way of teaching, a new style of moving – I am not really sure yet, and that’s been a big part of this journey. Faith in the unknown. For someone who thrives on setting goals, I’m spiritually being called to just have faith that my next step will come to me without a by when the date to push it through. 

As I continue to evolve, learn and grow on my self-love journey I invite you to come along and learn with me. What I do know is happening is The Electric Feminine blog will supply you with different perspectives and truths you may not have considered and The Electric Feminine podcast will introduce you to the voices of other amazing women just as passionate about our sexual, sensual and spiritual connection as I am. Expect honesty, vulnerability (I am learning with you!), and unfiltered conversations brought to you with love, laughter, and an undeniable desire to see all of us identifying as women feel free enough to express and live as our WHOLE selves. 

This is about the full goddess glow up, my Lady, and it’s yours for the taking.

 What they’ll never tell you, though, is that it always was yours for the taking. 

I want you to be part of this movement of women excited to really embody every part of themselves in every way. I love to share information too, it’s my WHY honestly. Subscribe to my monthly newsletter so you can stay up to date on All things Electric Feminine including the live events I’m sure we’re all manifesting we’ll be able to enjoy again. If you resonate with what I wrote here then please sign up for my weekly blog to read about my experiences through the world of self-awareness, surviving the shadowy moments, self-love, spiritual and sensual enlightenment. For your weekend ear candy, Friday’s on The Electric Feminine podcast I’ll share with you some pretty fantastic conversations I’m having with women in the areas of sexual education, life, and sensual embodiment coaching and spirituality.  

Yes, Women, we have so much to share and learn together, and from each other. I am honored to be on this journey with you.

Anjua Maximo